Another local activity through the project The Other Perspevtive, were legislative theatres. During the project we implemented 22 Legislative Theatres in 7 different countries and involved around 1200 visitors, representatives of LGBTQ+ community, decision makers and other stakeholders. 

Main aim of the Legislative Theater is usually following the same structure as Forum Theatre, but its purpose is to extract ideas/solutions from the public in order to then be used in an advocacy process, based on the citizens’ proposal for a new legislative project or for changing the current legislation. These events can be organized in partnership with institutions that are responsible for conducting the advocacy process or not. If so, the organizing team follows the necessary steps so that the proposals can end up in the attention of the responsible institutions.

Manuals and more about Legislative theatre, but also about other forms of the Tehater of the Opressed, you can find on the website of our partner organizationi A.R.T. Fusion.